We want to create a different reality for homeless animals and to build a future which drastically reduces the number of homeless dogs. By promoting rescue, adoption and spay/neutering, more dogs will be rescued from shelters and given loving, for­ever homes.

Our mission is to boost both adoption and pet sterilization while giving financial support to local dog rescues, enabling them to provide proper veterinary care, train­ing, rescue, food and a loving environment for the millions of discarded dogs in the shelter system across the country.

We believe that by promoting this message in an entertaining, socially enriching way to a group of people yearning to put their stamp on the world, the crowds will be excited to join in on the mission. Many people making small changes in their own backyards equals huge strides toward a nationwide change to end excessive pet homelessness, and reduce the euthanasia of millions of dogs every day.

Animal lovers and music aficionados, weekend socializers to band groupies. The day-to-night format will attract families, adults, teens and everyone loving dogs, music and entertainment. Many expected to attend these Rock & Rescue mega con­certs will be young, open-minded and hip adults, who also happen to be the ones most able to make lasting differences in the pet overpopulation problem of not just today, but tomorrow. They are our tomorrow.